While Grand corruption is not in the list of core international crimes over which the ICC has jurisdiction, the Court can investigate crimes against humanity.
What will it take to sustain the workers movement on the long run?
The national currency needs to be prevented from total collapse, and this needs to be done in a pragmatic and gradual approach with a clear bias towards protecting the interests of the majority of the population against the predatory behavior of the ruling cartel.
As security officials increasingly turn against the people, a police state is slowly taking hold across the country.
As coronavirus restrictions are being relaxed, the government must declare sectarianism as its number one public health emergency.
The stranded Ethiopian domestic workers are the latest victims of Kafala, the system of modern slavery that binds foreign workers to sponsors in Lebanon.
In light of the 15th anniversary of his assassination, young activists filled the online space with quotes and statements said...
What are the psychological theories that explain how Lebanon's corrupt politicians sleep comfortably at night while everyone else starves?
When refugees fear racism, harassment, and the possibility of deportation, they are less likely to report cases of COVID-19. To stop the spread of the pandemic in Lebanon, authorities must partner up with and support the vulnerable segments of the population that “don’t even have a single bag of rice...
The amnesty law has been met with fervent rejection in the streets because it pardons Lebanese people who fled to and collaborated with Israel.
While the army was meant to maintain Taif's division of power and address intra-Lebanese violence, it is not perceived as a neutral institution in Tripoli.
Leadership and coordination would be important, not necessarily in a rigid hierarchy, to officially unify the demands of those who seek change.