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ABOUT THE BOOK: Beirut Blues by Hanan al-Shaykh is a poignant epistolary novel that captures the chaos and heartbreak...
We live in a world where crisis is here and now for some but elsewhere and not yet for...
A recent AI-driven study published in PLOS One has uncovered evidence of gender bias in film criticism. The study,...
“The clocks were striking midnight, and the rooms were very still as a figure glided quietly from bed...
A recent AI-driven study published in PLOS One has uncovered evidence of gender bias in film criticism. The...
Lebanese theater has long been a powerful tool for storytelling, and Zeina Daccache’s latest play, Li Chabakna Ykhallesna,...
On January 16, as news broke of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas after...
“Halloooooo, hallo?” Sometimes, overwhelmed by the isolation, Fadi stepped out onto his...
The port of Saida in southern Lebanon was untypically calm for a...
From the heart of Beirut comes an initiative made by the people,...
Stepping into the iron gates of the Mar Mtir graveyard in Beirut,...
Clashes along the border between Syrian forces and local Lebanese armed groups haveintensified yesterday. The...
We live in a world where crisis is here and now for some but elsewhere...
Yesterday, United States President Joe Biden announced he’s dropping out of the presidential race. In...
On Sunday, thousands of people gathered in the Republic Square in Paris to celebrate the...