How should Lebanon's change vanguard build a Lebanon that preserves national interests and provides sustainable prosperity for its people?
The Lebanese NGO proposed a women’s quota to ensure female participation in parliament, demanding a minimum of 26 seats.
Police confiscated 50 liters of fuel belonging to Animals Lebanon, the organization said on social media. As per their tweets, Animals Lebanon relies on this fuel to keep its one transportation vehicle running, which it uses to “take animals to the vet, deliver supplies to people in need, care for...
With only 39 MPs attending at the UNESCO palace, today’s Parliamentary session was cancelled for failing to meet the 59...
Inedible food. Severe electricity rationing. No medical services. Prisoners recount harrowing stories of hardships in a Lebanese prison.
HRW also said some evidence suggests government officials foresaw and ignored the possible destruction the explosive material could cause.
From medicine shortages caused by the crisis to revenge killing, Lebanon witnessed multiple tragic deaths this weekend.
Accompanied by a symphony of honks, layers of sweat in the scorching heat, and phones with drained batteries, these motorists in Lebanon will wait in hours-long queues to fill their cars with gas. But at least it’s almost the weekend, which means they’ll be able to do it without taking...
Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said on Thursday that Parliament was ready to lift the immunity of its members so that...
Lifting immunity from MPs threatens the core of a mafia system that Lebanon’s politicians are fighting to maintain.
Najib Mikati last headed a Lebanese government between 2011 and 2014.