The accessible new hotline helps residents of Bourj Hammoud with COVID-19 information, Beirut blast repairs, and disability services.
Almost a hundred years ago, the quarantine process for travelers arriving to Lebanon was more elaborate and centralized.
Nearly two years ago, two Arab women with a shared interest in sexual and reproductive health were brought together in a meeting with a mutual friend. Several discussions later, Mauj was born in September 2020. Beirut Today sat down with the founders of the sexual and reproductive wellness platform to...
This week, Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni said Lebanon will run out of funds to subsidise imported goods in late May.
Avoiding the pitfalls and bravado of the Trump Administration, Biden has quietly reasserted American imperial power across the globe.
Today was different. Today, the sexual harassment was beyond intolerable because it came from men in the Lebanese military.
Since 1993, Animal Encounter has focused on rescuing and rehabilitating Lebanese wildlife –and countering the public's negative stereotypes.
This week, four Syrian refugees died from the “bitter cold,” a World Bank assessment found that Lebanon has the highest food prices in the MENA region, and more.
More than 34 million people across the world are already struggling with emergency levels of acute hunger.
The health sector in Lebanon is under severe strain, with COVID-19 cases still on the rise and the country exiting full lockdown earlier this week.
Lebanon is facing a historic economic and financial crisis, alongside a pandemic, that has devaluated the local currency. Purchasing power has dropped amid high rates of hyperinflation, with pharmaceutical companies storing subsidized medicine, citizens stockpiling drugs and others smuggling it outside of the country. Simultaneously, medicine is vanishing from pharmacies...