Beirut Today interviews Kelna Beirut's parliamentary candidate Hassan Sinno from the Beirut II district
Beirut Today interviews Kollouna Watani's parliamentary candidate Laury Haytayan from the Beirut I district
"If we lower the gender-gap by 25 percent, there would be an economic empowerment of 5.8 trillion of the global economy"
Organizations are playing a major role in overseeing the electoral process, each ensuring a democratic and just election period through their own tactics.
Charges were filed by a national civil movement called UnitedForLebanon following the procurement of evidence and documents proving the embezzlement and misappropriation of funds.
Despite the helplessness and the international community’s failure in stopping the humanitarian crisis in Eastern Ghouta, continuing to look and refusing to remain silent is still valuable, especially when we consider four factors.
Megaphone provides “an alternative way of commenting, and analyzing news through fact-checking and in-depth analysis”, especially of topics avoided in the mainstream media, such as LGBTQ+ issues.
The final objective, and in the context of the upcoming elections, is to reach out to the Ministry of Education and demand that the state regulates and monitors the performance of private and public institutions of higher education.
Regimes have resorted to “state feminism” to appease popular and grassroots agitation for more women’s rights, as well as to diffuse international pressure.
On changes in the political structure, optimistic and pessimistic outlooks, and the potential turning points in the long-overdue parliamentary elections
The troubled political career of the Prime Minister of Lebanon did not start with the controversy over his trip to Saudi Arabia two months ago.
The last time I voted in Parliamentary elections was in 2005, thirteen years ago. I am planning to vote this coming May, because despite everything I still believe in civic participation and the duty to express my opinion through the ballot box. So on Sunday May 6th 2018 I will choose...