Out of 37 member states of the “Media Freedom Coalition,” Lebanon was the only one not to sign a pledge supporting the freedom of the press.
Community Voices
The most recent blow to migrant workers in Lebanon came from the State Shura Council, which rejected a new unified...
In an unprecedented feat for student elections at the American University of Beirut, the AUB Secular Club announced on November 4 that their independent list Campus Choice will include 94 candidates running in all faculties. The elections are set to take place virtually on November 13. With students informed less...
Well into the first semester, the USJ administration has been cautiously silent about the fate of the annual student council elections.
There are a lot of things to fear in Lebanon these days. A federal state is not one of them.
Hundreds of protesters in Beirut took to the streets on October 17 to commemorate one year since the start of the Lebanese uprising.
For a variety of reasons, people in Lebanon are shying away from protesting on the streets and resorting to digital activism.
Administrative decisions have harmed the ability of students to continue their studies. An AUB student council is needed now more than ever.
13 Ivorian women have protested in front of and stormed into their consulate in Lebanon, simply because they want to...
The other day it hit me. I was in the car with my friend and she asked me if I...