Photography can be a powerful tool capable of narrating a story, distorting an image, stating an opinion, and much...
As state-owned investment vehicles, sovereign wealth funds play an essential role in a country’s political, economic, and financial life, chiefly...
The risks of collapse for Lebanon's national currency evaluated in 7 key points by one of Lebanon top macro economists.
Women and men gathered in front of the National Museum in Beirut on December 23, 2017, to light candles in...
To be abducted from one’s home, taken to a strange underground place, and isolated from any human contact aside from...
Many of us have the habit of going over newspapers in the morning, which are now mostly becoming electronic. A...
Whenever a trailer comes out and I hear people’s responses, I’m usually the guy that breathes words of caution: that...
With a combination of spending streamlining and revenue raising measures, Lebanon can halt the slippage in fiscal finances, and revert into a more solid and sustainable fiscal position.
Civil society in Lebanon has taken different forms and passed through various phases. It includes diverse political activist movements and...
From the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, to Generation Z, society has been obsessed with grouping people based...
Governments are (and should be) subject to exhaustive scrutiny on the part of society– a reality that is no stranger...
The means through which political stances are expressed today are limitless. After US President Donald Trump’s recent announcement on Jerusalem,...