With or without your knowledge and consent, your entire history might actually be accessible by your government officials.
Lebanese politicians have taken Syrian refugees as the scapegoat for all the political, economic, social & environmental turmoil that predate their arrival.
Mohammad Morsi was much more significant than being a legitimately-elected president who was overthrown. His life and death tell a bigger Arab tale.
The debate on austerity measures is heating up, and the positions of different Lebanese political forces are questionable.
Politicians wear xenophobia like a mask, promoting it to the public to hide the ugly truth of how their own shortcomings affect citizens.
Professors at the Lebanese University are on strike, demanding their rights from the government but putting the futures of students at risk. Students react:
At least 3,664 Syrian nationals were evicted by 13 municipalities around Lebanon between 2016 and 2018. Another 42,000 remain at risk of being homeless. But some municipalities have fared better.
The Lebanese Parliament denied a request to access declassified information in February 2018. In other words, the exact legislative body...
Lebanon fairs better than most in the region when it comes to freedom of the press, but that doesn’t say much when your counterparts include Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.
Radical measures are needed to stop unnecessary spending in Lebanon's public administrations.
History blackout: A quick look around George Azar’s office unravels years of untold humanist stories from the war and a history living through the lens of the photographer.
There's no in-between: Private education tuition fees continue to increase, while Lebanon's only public university remains neglected by the government.