Out of 37 member states of the “Media Freedom Coalition,” Lebanon was the only one not to sign a pledge supporting the freedom of the press.
The most recent blow to migrant workers in Lebanon came from the State Shura Council, which rejected a new unified...
Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris have been elected President and Vice-President of the United States, although President Donald Trump has promised to challenge these results in court. To many observers, this outcome is not surprising. There are, however, two important caveats to the results. The first being that Joe Biden,...
Yesterday, coronavirus cases in Lebanon crossed the 100,000 mark. “We have reached a very dangerous stage because public and private...
In an unprecedented feat for student elections at the American University of Beirut, the AUB Secular Club announced on November...
Bassil’s sanctions come as part of the Trump administration’s final push against Iran, and add yet another hurdle on track to the formation of the Lebanese Cabinet.
Winter is bringing new wave of catastrophe for Beirut.
Well into the first semester, the USJ administration has been cautiously silent about the fate of the annual student council elections.
President Michel Aoun promised that an investigation would name those responsible for the blast within five days. Lebanese people chuckled.
Although Biden and Trump bitterly clash over domestic affairs, they have more in common when it comes to US intervention in the Middle East.
There are a lot of things to fear in Lebanon these days. A federal state is not one of them.
The Beirut Bar Association submitted nearly 700 criminal complaints to the public prosecutor on behalf of victims of the Beirut Blast.