With or without your knowledge and consent, your entire history might actually be accessible by your government officials.
As you stare at the details of these posters, an orientalist narrative of submissive Arab women and violent Arab men stares right back at you.
The device can provide you with tailored advice to improve your health and eliminate allergy symptoms.
There's no in-between: Private education tuition fees continue to increase, while Lebanon's only public university remains neglected by the government.
Purchasing electricity from Turkish ships would solve Lebanon's crisis by quickly generating more energy, saving billions of dollars, and leading to significant economic growth.
The crisis is two-fold.
At least 3,664 Syrian nationals were evicted by 13 municipalities around Lebanon between 2016 and 2018. Another 42,000 remain at risk of being homeless. But some municipalities have fared better.
The ruling class, which has been in power for almost 30 years, is collectively responsible for the economy’s dire state of affairs. It should bear the costs of reforms and spare ordinary citizens.
History blackout: A quick look around George Azar’s office unravels years of untold humanist stories from the war and a history living through the lens of the photographer.
The Grand Sofar Hotel once stood as one of the greatest hotels in the region. Looted and abandoned for 43 years because of the Lebanese Civil War, it now returns as a cultural space.
Women in Lebanon are angry, and rightfully so. Nationality, criminal, personal status, and labour laws do not provide for gender...
The campaign, which addresses the misconceptions and harmful practices of SOCE, is the first of its kind in the Arab world. HINAD aims to raise awareness, and urges all people who have questions about sexual orientation or gender identity, including families, school teachers, school nurses, and others, to consult competent healthcare providers.