Governments are (and should be) subject to exhaustive scrutiny on the part of society– a reality that is no stranger...
The means through which political stances are expressed today are limitless. After US President Donald Trump’s recent announcement on Jerusalem,...
On December 13th and 14th, the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) hosted an academic conference titled “100 years after the Balfour Declaration and 70 Years after the Partition Plan”, in collaboration with the Institute for Palestinian Studies. In the wake of US President Donald Trump’s decision to...
The renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has recently gained the attention of the international community– which...
On December 6, the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs hosted a talk on water scarcity and...
Lebanon’s coasts have been lying under a great yellow cloud, making sure we go about our daily lives with pride — to be proud for embracing a golden crow of smog. This not-so-surprising phenomenon is obviously caused by the rise of pollutants in the atmosphere. Air pollution in Lebanon has...
No political topic loomed as large as the drive to uncover the fate of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri in...
In the midst of the demonstration in Ramallah yesterday, on December 7, 2017, young men and women were chanting in...
In a monumentally disappointing speech, President Donald J. Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the White House yesterday. He claimed that this recognition is the first step to a “new approach to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians” and “to advance the peace process”. What...
The people of this region are caught in a grand authoritarian bargain, where they are forced to trade their political rights against government-driven economic security. It is time for this to change.
In the past couple of years, Lebanon has witnessed on-and-off attempts of political reform with the last (major) one being...
Last August the Rohingya living in Myanmar witnessed the beginning of an age filled with atrocities and massacres. Militants attacked government forces whom in return initiated a “clearance operation” that aims to erase Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar (estimated at 1.1 million out of a total population in the country of...