The term “civil society” has been used to describe those who are “active” outside the traditional societal organizations and within oppositional movements against other parts of society, mainly against state authorities.
A discussion on the meaning of "reconstruction", its implications, and the overall outlook on Syria, Libya, and Iraq
On the sectarian politicization of appointments to senior positions, reform, and drafting a National Anticorruption Strategy
To get a better understand these issues, we ought to carefully examine the 2017 state budget endorsed by the parliament in October.
The KAFA protest is particularly significant in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections, with many signs stating that their bearers will not be voting for “patriarchal ideology."
Secularism as an ideology collides with various aspects of the existing sectarian order of Lebanon.
Human Rights Watch has released a campaign advocating for a major switch up in Lebanon’s handling of their waste. There...
Whenever a trailer comes out and I hear people’s responses, I’m usually the guy that breathes words of caution: that...
To many nations, the 28th of December marked nothing more than a year approaching its end. For Iran, it marked the day when streets became flooded with angry protesters demanding justice, freedom, and more importantly, answers. It was the day that Iranians rose up to display their dissatisfaction with the...
The current protests in Iran could be attributed to joblessness and unfulfilled economic expectations, but not necessarily to high poverty.
In 2015/16, a shocking 31% of men and 53% of women aged 18-29 were unemployed, compared to 20% and 19% in 1997. More importantly, the pain of this worsening situation is increasingly felt by older age groups. Entire families are affected when their young men and women are unable to find employment, housing, and form a family.
To be abducted from one’s home, taken to a strange underground place, and isolated from any human contact aside from your captors for days on end is scary enough. Add to this the likelihood of being interrogated, tortured, abused, and possibly raped in that same place. This scenario is a...