Could Italy's problems also arise in Lebanese hospitals?
The only protective measure against the virus is a vaccine, which has yet to be developed and cannot be given until it meets WHO’s criteria.
COVID-19 has brought to the surface social inequalities for which “refugees” and the less advantaged are not morally responsible.
And a list of reliable resources for all kinds of support and information on coronavirus.
The full impact of the current economic crisis on mental health in Lebanon remains to be seen, but reports of negative effects have already emerged.
In another episode of Beirut Talks, activist and environmental engineer Ziad Abi Chaker discusses the pressing environmental issues that will “stop being important once we stop needing to breathe” and highlights how using sustainable solutions under a green economy can help Lebanon navigate some of the repercussions of the ongoing...
LGBTQ+ realities in Lebanon are so disparate that it is both one of the most liberal countries in the Arab World & one where human rights are stagnating.
Bringing children to this world means that you will have to accept that they grow up in a Draconian universe of deceit, lies and greed.
While the history of refugees in the MENA is one of war and conflicts, the future of displacement is rooted in climate change.
“Any time one of these places suffer, we all suffer as a community and that's why we all work together to keep them afloat and keep ourselves afloat."
Is the Lebanese medical field prepared for both coronavirus and the ongoing economic crisis?
The Beirut municipality granted the owner of the famous St. Georges Hotel a license to renovate the damaged landmark after decades of dispute with Solidere.