The amount will be deposited in Lebanon’s Central Bank, with the allocation including $860 million from 2021 and $275 million from 2009.
The energy ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon agreed on a plan to provide Lebanon with gas and electricity.
The Representative of the Syndicate of Gas Station Owners in Lebanon, George Brax, said so in a radio interview.
Amnesty International is urging Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan to protect Syrian refugees from deportation or forcible return.
Lebanon has been without a government for over a year now, since the previous government resigned after the Beirut blast.
ESCWA said that almost three quarters of the Lebanese population is living below the poverty line, and 82 percent in multidimensional poverty.
The Lebanese NGO proposed a women’s quota to ensure female participation in parliament, demanding a minimum of 26 seats.
Arz Zahreddine, a 22-year-old runner, is set to be the sole Lebanese representative at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
Sajita Lama, a Nepali domestic worker, is demanding release from the employers who reportedly failed to reimburse her for 110 months of work.
The US invasion of Afghanistan began in 1979, not 2001.
Israel launched aerial attacks on Damascus, Syria by violating Lebanon’s airspace last night. Loud jets were heard and spotted.
Police confiscated 50 liters of fuel belonging to Animals Lebanon, the organization said on social media. As per their tweets, Animals Lebanon relies on this fuel to keep its one transportation vehicle running, which it uses to “take animals to the vet, deliver supplies to people in need, care for...