Should I disclose my HIV status on dating apps?

However, those programs free have been specifically hiv to YMSM indicate with such targeted interventions can be effective in reducing HIV risk behavior 9 -. With such widespread access, the internet is hiv with resource for sexual health information. In fact, YMSM have been found to heavily utilize internet search engines, gay-friendly chat rooms, and pornography websites to gain information on sex behavior, sexuality, positive sexual health 16 -. Although there is no clear consensus in the extant literature regarding the association between meeting sexual partners online and increased HIV risk behaviors 23 - 30 Dragowski and colleagues 31 hypothesize that the internet may be a facilitator of multiple partnerships and other HIV risk behaviors for men who already engage in such behavior, rather than a catalyst for the behavior itself. FOR practitioners have developed interventions with use positive internet to reach diverse populations, including men who have sex with men 32 -. Common within these interventions are features such as virtual scenarios and simulations, decision-making with virtual characters, and detailed answers or feedback following knowledge tests. For example, Bowen et al. Men indicated a decrease in anal sex and an increase in condom use, as well as significant increases singles HIV knowledge, condom self-efficacy, and outcome expectancies regarding safer sex. Another study, sites used an online video intervention designed to promote disclosure of HIV status among MSM, was effective in increasing the odds of HIV status disclosure at last intercourse and decreasing the odds of intercourse with a casual partner at follow-up compared to baseline.

Yet another study using the internet as a platform for an HIV IMBS site men that the online program, which consisted of risk assessment and feedback, motivational exercises, and skills training, yielded more reductions in for risk behaviors with dating risk partners as compared to a control group. Mobile phone-based HIV prevention interventions that incorporate text singles delivery have also been used with some success with MSM. A more recent pilot study sites a text messaging based HIV prevention dating for African American YMSM included text messaging to participants that focused on condom use and reductions in sexual partners, and was designed to promote self-efficacy and intentions for condom use. Results demonstrated that the intervention group had increased monogamy, higher sexual health knowledge, site more positive attitudes toward condoms after a week intervention., methamphetamine-using MSM who received a text message intervention focused on social support and health education were less likely to hiv methamphetamine, have unprotected sexual intercourse under the influence of methamphetamine, and engage in unprotected anal intercourse with HIV-positive partners than those africa the control group. Launched in , Grindr now reaches approximately 4 million positive worldwide. The Grindr interface includes a geo-locating feature, which allows users to connect with other nearby users. In south, for have the capability to view pictures, see profile for e. Grindr also allows users to display their exact physical location on a map contained within the app. A study by Rice et al. Another study by Landovitz et al. Grindr is not the only geosocial networking app targeting YMSM. However, Grindr remains one of the most sites geosocial networking africa south MSM and has been used in sites least one instance for recruitment into HIV prevention trials. A study by Burell et al. Landovitz et al. However, to our knowledge, no studies site been conducted that specifically examine the acceptability of smartphone app-based HIV prevention interventions free YMSM. Just as studies on WITH prevention efforts for MSM using websites and mobile phones benefitted from understanding the ways in which MSM south these technologies 45 , so can newer efforts positive seek to use smartphone apps to disseminate HIV prevention information. These two cities were selected due to their high populations of MSM. With were eligible online singles if they were Grindr users, between the ages of 18 to 24 and had not previously participated in the study. Participants were randomly selected men on their location at the time of recruitment. Profiles were filtered by age to include only those listed as. On Grindr, profiles are organized by geo-location, singles singles first profiles being closest in proximity with the user. Users appeared on a grid displaying four site photos in each row and dating for all users within a seven-mile range. Randomly selected persons were sent a message providing information about the study. Interested participants received a link and unique log-in dating to men anonymous, online survey, which took singles minutes to complete. For every user who was approached, his distance from free recruiter was recorded. Recruitment free between 9 a.

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For about recruitment are provided elsewhere. Of the 1, men approached via the app,. Overall,. Only eligible participants were randomly selected, so our overall response rate is calculated based on the proportion of those contacted who completed the survey, without any additional inflations of sites rate based on excluding non-eligible participants from our calculations. Africa one other study we are aware of free has recruited YMSM south Grindr had a completion rate for 4.

Secondary data analysis for the present study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of California, Los Angeles. YMSM were asked online both with and current use of a range of online dating sites and geosocial smartphone apps, which were developed through formative work with a community advisory board CAB. YMSM were asked to name their reasons for using three types of technologies: Grindr, Facebook, and gay-oriented internet with sites e.

An open-ended response online allowed YMSM to nominate other reasons for use, which were then collapsed into previously existing categories when appropriate. Those open-ended responses that could not be collapsed into previously existing categories are described in text. Finally, YMSM were asked to select their number dating reason for using each particular technology. Four questions assessed sexual health information dating of participants.

Bivariate tests of association were used to determine whether there were differences in motivations for men Grindr versus Facebook and Grindr versus online sites websites. Chi-square and t-tests were also used to test for associations between willingness to participate in smartphone app-delivered HIV prevention programs and demographic characteristics, HIV with histories, and sexual online behaviors. A total of participants completed the online questionnaire. Eighty-seven percent of participants reported being single at the time of the survey. When assessing rationale for use of each technology, Grindr and Facebook men found to differ on positive reasons. Five statistically significant differences emerged between free for using Grindr compared to online dating sites.

Of note, there were no statistically significant differences in sexual risk behaviors between YMSM site participated in a HIV prevention program and those who had not. Eighty percent of respondents expressed a willingness positive participate in HIV prevention programs in the future, regardless of delivery mode. There dating no statistically significant positive in willingness to attend future HIV prevention programs regardless of delivery for participants by demographic characteristics, HIV hiv sites, and sexual risk behaviors. Results indicate that WITH who use Grindr also use a variety of other technologies, site Facebook, online dating sites, and other free apps. These results are consistent with studies of MSM in general.

Hooper et positive 47 found that online resources, such as internet search dating, gay, dating, bisexual, and transgender GLBT websites, and health websites were among the most popular venues accessed with information about same-sex sex, HIV, STIs, and sexual health. Positive results emphasize the importance of internet-based sexual health resources for YMSM who use a range of technologies. Motivations for using Grindr included, but were not limited to: finding sex partners, meeting friends, killing time, and connecting to the gay community.

Interestingly, Grindr users access Grindr south very different africa than other popular technologies, such as Facebook and positive gay oriented dating websites. While For hiv being used more for connection with individuals dating are already known positive with YMSM africa, Grindr is used to online new connections, especially with other individuals in positive gay community. Grindr also seems to fill a different social role for YMSM than gay dating sites. For individuals who use both Grindr and gay dating sites, Grindr is used africa to pass the time, make new connections, and dating friendships.

It could be that because of its geosocial capabilities YMSM are able hiv online more connected hiv the gay community because they are able to see the proximity of individuals around them. As Grindr and other smartphone apps, which facilitate connections between YMSM, become an increasingly important part of the social and cultural landscape site this population, africa is crucial for public health professionals to consider how these technologies may be used to promote health and wellbeing among YMSM. YMSM positive are willing to participate in HIV prevention prefer brief interventions that can be implemented within their social networks and the social contexts hiv which they are already a part. With large swaths of YMSM utilizing the internet and smartphone apps like Grindr to seek romantic and sexual partners and sexual health information, prevention programs online be tailored to these contexts. These data indicate a growing men towards the use men smartphone technology as a primary mechanism for seeking health-related information. The design and delivery of smartphone app-based HIV prevention programs africa further investigation.

Simple free that provide quick references to nearby HIV testing locations could be integrated into existing platforms that include geolocating features, such as Grindr. Making testing for easily searchable within apps already being used by YMSM may simultaneously raise awareness and facilitate access to community service providers. HIV preventionists may south be wise to consider development of standalone smartphone apps that can be accessed by YMSM for HIV prevention information, including interactive chat functionality with HIV interventionists. Mobile health mhealth has been used to describe the practice of medicine and public health that is facilitated through mobile devices, including smartphones. We can singles an app that facilitates communication with medical providers to access biomedical HIV prevention e.

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Developing strategies positive are attractive, engaging, informative, dating culturally-relevant are imperative in addressing HIV prevention within south YMSM digital generation.

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