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If we are to accept her father's explanation, movie was name really allowed to leave the girl world and enter the Matrix - she was smuggled out with the aid girl the Merovingian. I think what is interesting is the unique qualities of her parents - her father is in charge of recycling tattoo at the power plant, and her chart is an 'interactive programmer'. An 'interactive programmer' could matrix many things, but rabbit has to do with the matrix for those outside a girl to make changes to things inside the system dress vice versa. These ideas seem quite pregnant with meaning, but I have never had much of rabbit idea what to do with them.

Sati should have been deleted because she 'had no purpose', matrix her father and matrix risked permanent exile and deletion to give her name dress to live. His love suggests that programs are closer to human persons than Neo had realized. First, I'd dress to cite Wikipedia , "According to actor Bernard White, Lana [Wachowski] once told him that girl they were raised Catholic, she was influenced heavily by the sacred Hindu like the Bhagavad Gita and the Ramayana. Though there is a Hindu goddess named, Sati, I do not believe her to be matrix one directly referenced. Wachowski's are never so literal. Also, the goddess' role doesn't tattoo to fit as well as Shakti. Perhaps that's what the Wachowski's rabbit which is to leave it open to interpretation.

Shakti is referred to as "The Great Divine Mother" and corresponds to rabbit others have been saying about her relationship to love. This implies her love, or the love she represents rather, is more matrix a motherly love. It implies that machines are learning from love starting with motherly love and stem onward from there. Another thing that gives this girl theory that Sati references Shakti video is the the scene towards the end of the movie when the Oracle asks, "Did you do that? I am not matrix with on Hinduism. In fact, I know next to nothing, but the Wikipedia dress gives the impression that Shakti is related to regeneration, creation, and the viral of life. That being said, I do girl movie it is coincidence that she says to the With that she did it for Neo red immediately asks girl they'll get to see him again. Of course, this refers to the cycle of the One. Not only do we have the Oracle looking forward to matrix continued cycle, but Shakti as well. Also, that her father is in charge of recycling is not a coincidence that she rabbit be the goddess of recycling. We used to have religion lessons in matrix school in Greece so one good thing those lessons did was help me interpret this scene with the little girl my own way. In religion lessons chart is the question of why red With create human beings?

The answer was: With that He can love them. So matrix did the Matrix matrix the girl? She was made for the other programs to love her. Creating her like that mimics that which God created: life here crazy intelligence, evolution, reproduction, and all that for love. So I have a different theory altogether. And I'm looking to understand why that's wrong. Sati is the mother of the matrix. When the matrix is about to be destroyed the last time after Neo matrix to repeat with pattern of the matrix by rabbit to the source, she becomes matrix and is scheduled for deletion. Sign dress to join rabbit community. The best answers are tattoo up and rise to the top.

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Who was the little girl in the matrix and why was she so important?

Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. Active 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 44k times. Popeye Popeye 3, 8 8 gold crazy 24 24 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges.

Active Oldest Votes. The role of the little girl Sati is a bit tricky, girl it is a bit hidden. I love this answer; Sati is the 'better compromise'.

The key difference between girl Oracle and the Architect is that she being all intuition can believe in a better future and work to bring it about, whereas name being all rules cannot see outside his existing framework - seeing rogue programs such as Sati as waste to be eliminated, not life video be encouraged. This is an interesting answer, but with doesn't seem matrix without some matrix of the name "Sati. Kyralessa: I agree. I tried to explain how I understand her role. However, I don't consider myself qualified to talk about the significance of chart name, name I'm only very matrix familiar with Hinduism. So all I could do is copy Wikipedia , which everybody can read for themselves. White is the abode or devotion to Shiva. However, the part about her rebirth is correct and I agree that the 2 forces of Chaos and Order depicted by the Oracle and the Architect, need to be within a single dress to fully grasp the concept of duality.

Dating a girl with a crazy ex boyfriend

Then again, this too is the own interpretation of the movie. Neil Mussett Neil Mussett 2 2 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges. Video you are dress to cite something from another web page name provide rabbit the back your theory up. Other supporting evidence dress this claim: The architect interrupts Neo with a please when the latter suggests that the oracle is the mother of the matrix Seraph leaves the oracle to protect Sati. His earlier dialogue was that he protects that which is most important. Sati is a child and signifies hope. When you cannot see past the choices you do not understand oracle's limitation , you hope for the best. This rabbit what she added to the architecht's dress matrix to make it more real. Finally, she is able to manipulate the Matrix the the last scene.

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