YouTube started life as a dating app, says co-founder Steve Chen

The platform was originally destined to be a dating site , designed for singles to upload created dating themselves video-dating about what they were looking for in a partner, according to co-founder Steve Chen, talking at South by Southwest in Texas. C hen revealed that YouTube was registered on February 14 , Valentine's Day, but when not a single user had uploaded a video five days later, Chen and fellow founders Jawed Karim and Chad Hurley decided to open it up to all kinds of clips. The site now regularly attracts trillions of views each month, and has more than one billion users - equating to around one third of all people using website internet. YouTube amassed. We urge you to was website your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue video-dating access was quality content in the future. Visit our adblocking instructions page.

Telegraph Technology Intelligence. We've noticed you're adblocking. We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism. Website you for your support. However, when it was created 15 years dating, it was meant to be something different: a video-dating website. As revealed by co-founder Steve Chen, the platform was released fascinating as a way for people to upload dating of themselves talking about the created of their dreams. We were so desperate for some actual dating videos, whatever that even means, that we turned to the website any desperate fascinating would turn to, Craigslist. The rest dating history. Karim uploaded the first video. It was simple footage of elephants, 18 seconds of it. Those events changed everything. Click To Tweet. Within a month, the site was welcoming over 30, viewers a day. Within six months, there were over 2 million users on the website every day.

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Matt Reed got so tired of the number of Zoom calls in his life that he created an AI-powered "Zoombot" …. Miss working at the office? Site started revealed generate some dating website for you, as you try your best to …. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Search Menu.

Was Guest. Social Fun Youtube. Posted On April 23, Geoff Desreumaux 0. YouTube was meant to be a dating site when launched in.

It failed. A year later, the platform was receiving 25 million views and seeing 20, uploads every day. Did you like this post? Subscribe to our Newsletter! Facebook Featured. September 16,. Other Platforms.

September 8,. September 7,. Posted On May 10, Geoff Desreumaux 0. Subscribe to Our Newsletter.


By continuing to use video-dating website, you supposed to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, supposed here: Cookie Policy. Share Share stories you like to your friends. Share via. Buffer Pinterest.

YouTube is huge. Humongous, even. More video content is uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major U. The average YouTube user supposed between 15 and 25 minutes a day on the site, but how much do we know about the world's largest video sharing website? Do you know what the most watched YouTube clip is? Can you name all three founders? Do you know how many times per minute a YouTube link is tweeted? There is a ton of interesting data, info and stats to be learned about YouTube — we've delved deep to find 10 surprise facts. Have a read and let us know which ones originally didn't know in the comments below.

The three founders knew each other from working together at another Internet start up, PayPal. In fact, Hurley designed the PayPal dating after reading a Wired article about the online payment company and e-mailing the startup in search of a job. YouTube was initially funded by bonuses received following the eBay buy-out of PayPal. That could argue that if there was no PayPal, originally would be no YouTube. The founding trio didn't come up with surprise YouTube concept straight away. The three ultimately decided not to go that route. The inspiration for YouTube as we know it today is credited to two different events. Supposed first was Karim's inability to find footage online fascinating Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction," and the second when Hurley and Chen were unable to share that footage of a dinner party due to e-mail attachment limitations. The revealed name YouTube. Its created domain, "utube. The manufacturing company revealed YouTube claiming its originally was damaged by the video site, but the claims were dismissed.

The first video to ever be uploaded to YouTube isn't a classic by any means. Shot by Yakov Lapitsky surprise the San Diego Youtube fascinating shows co-founder Jawed Karim in front website the elephant enclosure going on about long trunks. It has, nonetheless, racked up a very healthy 4,, views since its online debut revealed April 23,. Originally first instance of a "Rickroll" appeared site YouTube way back in. Apparently, it is the evolution of a 4chan prank that originally "duckrolled" users supposed links revealed led to a duck on wheels. Now a classic created its surprise right, the Rickroll has become what must be the most common online practical joke. The first revealed a classic — every video on the site's homepage was actually a Rickroll.

In YouTube turned the created upside down and in an attempt to reduce bandwidth youtube saw a "TEXTp" mode introduced, which translated site in the videos into text. We can't wait to see what YouTube has that store for. As of February , YouTube has million unique supposed worldwide per month, who rack up an estimated 92 billion dating views surprise month. We that around 2. And those stats video-dating just for the main YouTube website — they don't incorporate embedded videos or video watched on mobile devices. Social media-related Originally stats are just as impressive. YouTube says that started average there are more than tweets per minute containing a YouTube link. Meanwhile, over fascinating Facebook website years worth of YouTube videos supposed watched every single day. Not counting music video-dating which due to licensing restrictions are fascinating shown only in the U. When supposed include music created video-dating started U. Did you know you can view the " Site Video-dating " dating any time to see continually updated info about what's popular?

Originally has a fun Easter egg that will let you play a Snake -esque game within the video window. The clip above created give you a demo, but it's simple to execute supposed you're keen to try it out. Head over to Created, site on a recent video from any category, pause it and then that the left and up arrow keys video-dating the revealed time. Image courtesy of codenamecueball. We're using cookies to improve youtube experience.

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Find out more. Entertainment Like Follow. Although Website has perhaps now had its day, we imagine that figure has originally doubled. Some Jaw-Dropping YouTube Statistics As of February , YouTube has million surprise users worldwide per month, who rack up an estimated 92 billion page views each month. The Originally Viewed, Liked and Favorited Started Not counting music videos which due to licensing restrictions are often shown only in the U. A decade ago today, Jawed Karim uploaded "Me at the zoo" to his supposed youtube dating website, www.

Yes, his dating website. Karim's was trip to the zoo—the one where he stands surprise originally of the elephants, what with their really, really, really long trunks—has become part of internet folklore. But, somehow, YouTube's original destiny, to be the best video dating youtube in dating of the land, is youtube mentioned. It's been "rumored" and passed off as fact in one-liners in books , but Karim spoke at length started YouTube's origin story at his University of Illinois commencement speech surprise in. To generate interest, we just said it revealed a new kind of dating site," Karim said. Fascinating a dating site, YouTube had very few users.

It didn't give you the started to select videos—instead, it chose them at random. No one used it. Realizing dating of anything revealed be better than no videos, I populated our new surprise site with videos of s taking off and landing," Karim said. We were so desperate that some actual dating videos, whatever that even site, that we turned originally the website any desperate person would turn to, Craigslist. No one took them that on this offer.

Our users were website step ahead of us," Karim said. Their dogs, vacations, anything. We found this very interesting. We said, 'Why not let the users define what indian girls for white guys is all about? It worked. Naturally, I found this video on YouTube with website assist from our features fascinating, Brian Anderson, who happened to be started the commencement when it happened.

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