Arab countries, including Lebanon, have been suffering from a series of successive and multifaceted crises over the past years. These...
Local filmmakers will be showcasing their work throughout this week at the Lebanese Film Week, organized by MC distribution and...
Marvel Studios, along with President Kevin Feige, are working on bringing more female comic book characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in preparation for the Universe’s fifth phase of movies and television series. Their latest addition, attorney Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk (portrayed by Tatiana Maslany) is only one of many other...
“There is not a house in Aleppo that does not use laurel soap and that does not have local za’atar.”...
The number of internet users in Lebanon reached 6.01 million at the end of January of this year, which roughly...
Roni Helou, one of Lebanon’s top young fashion designers, has in the five years since launching his signature designs ascended rapidly in the profession. The now Creative Director and Founder of the eponymous Roni Helou company boasts an innovative and growing global fashion brand, along with strong recognition from fellow world designers and fashionistas.But before...
The start of July marked the rise of the telecoms prices of “Alfa” and “Touch,” at a time when private...
During the past two weeks, the Ettijahat Foundation for Independent Culture held two discussions on the book Destructiveness as Visual...
Beirut Printmaking Studio is an inclusive and open space for everyone interested in discovering and practicing art through the printed image.
Etyen opens up about running digital label Thawra Records, the shortcomings of the local music industry, and some of his favorite projects.
“The Sea Ahead” leaves a remarkable trace, evoking familiar feelings in us without much dialogue or action.
In his first single, paō reflects on his death anxiety. Deceivingly upbeat, the song from the persevering Lebanese musician sees him seeking comfort from his thoughts in the arms of a lover. The song came from the heart, pouring out emotions in a catchy tune that sets a calming and...