On Saturday, May 6, The United Kingdom officially crowned its new King, Charles III, along with his wife Camilla as...
The Lebanese Civil War is one of the most notorious black marks on Lebanon’s political and social history. Many no...
We asked people on the streets of Beirut how they’re coping with the current situation. Watch the video to listen to the hope, hopeless and resigned experiences of those in Lebanon....
Beirut Today Agreed not to report the full names of the persons interviewed in this piece due to concerns about...
She squints, tilting her head to sense the slightest slip in harmony. The choirmaster paces back and forth hurriedly between...
Lebanon has never been in worse shape. The economy has collapsed, political paralysis has become the norm, and social unrest is increasingly on the rise. A much understudied aspect of the Lebanese crisis is the rising polarization among the different social, political, and religious groups of the country. This has...
The crisis that hit Lebanon in late 2019, crippling many sectors of the country’s societies, has had disproportionate impacts on...
Minister of Information Ziad Makari informed Megaphone co-founder Jean Kassir on Tuesday that Public Prosecutor Ghassan Oueidat had retracted his...
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