Image Credit: Mohamed Azakir / Reuters

Israeli Forces Target Areas All Over Lebanon in Violent Offensives

Yesterday, Israeli forces conducted what might be the biggest strike since the beginning of the war, leveling around 10 residential buildings in the Burj el Barajneh area of Beirut’s Southern Suburbs in the early evening hours of Friday.

The final toll of the strike remains unknown, as the intensity of the strike made the identification of casualties and body parts extremely difficult.

The strike took place at one of Lebanon’s most densely populated areas, with the number of casualties likely beyond measure.

Mere hours later, Israeli forces struck the Baadaran town in Lebanon’s Chouf district where many internally displaced individuals had moved, killing around eight individuals.

After midnight, Israeli forces conducted a series of strikes on Beirut’s Southern Suburbs. Strikes were reported around 12:30 AM, 2:00 AM, 4:00 AM and 5:30 AM throughout the night. 

On Saturday morning, a strike also targeted the town of Bhamdoun in the Chouf district of Lebanon’s Mount Lebanon governorate.

Entire streets in the capital’s Southern Suburbs have been destroyed. 

Mass Displacement

Hundreds of thousands of individuals have been displaced by the offensives, a large portion of whom remains stranded across  the country. Large swathes of the population are stranded in public squares such as Ain el Mraisseh, along the coast and many other areas.

Around the Cola area, people have described many stranded Syrian refugees, who have been largely discriminated against in shelter schools. Many remain without access to basic amenities and services.

Conflict Prospects

Analysts have described the offensives on Beirut’s Southern Suburbs as a turning point in the conflict. 

The operations came shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly which was met by disdain by diplomatic representatives in the GA who left the room as soon as Netanyahu started his speech.

Israel continues to refuse a ceasefire arrangement, insisting on escalating even further amid reports of an incoming ground invasion of Lebanon.

While reports continue to question whether there was a high-level Hezbollah member present at the strike of the Burj el Barajneh strike, what remains confirmed so far is that Israeli forces have committed yet another massacre escaping all sorts of accountability and operating under a full sense of impunity.